Theodor Milkov - Yamaha - Finland

Theodor Milkov

The Russian-Greek percussionist Theodor Milkov is one of the most innovative marimba players, whose repertoire includes contemporary music, as well as music written for harpsichord and piano from baroque to classical epoch.

His revolutionary ideas and technical abilities have brought the marimba to a new level of performance, thus allowing Theodor to attend lessons by the famous harpsichord player Jacques Ogg, and Maestro Ton Koopman during his studies at the Royal Conservatorium Den Haag.

In the past years Theodor has been collaborating with Ruud Wiener, creating contemporary Marimba repertoire as well as educational series of Marimba etudes known as “Fluent Movements for Marimba“ project. This collaboration led Theodor to create Video Marimba Tutorials available on his official website:

Theodor Milkov has been giving master classes all over the world in places like: HfM Muenster-Germany, Colburn School of Music Los Angeles- USA, Northwestern University - USA, CV Amsterdam - Netherlands, Ionian University in Corfu-Greece, Taiwan, Salerno Conservatory – Italy.

Theodor Milkov began his percussion stydies at the age of 7, in Municipal Conservatory of Patras – Greece, under his step father Maxim Mankovski. Later on, Theodor continued his studies in HfM Detmold - Germany under Prof. Peter Prommel, where he got his Bachelor and Konzertexamen Diplomas, as well as KC – Den Haag, and CVA – Amsterdam.

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