Take control of your performance

At Yamaha we know that for the modern euphonium player intonation, control and expression is key to performing at the highest level. The ability to react quickly in response to others in the section or band is vital and to do this, you need an instrument that gives you the freedom to adjust instantly within the living environment of a performance.

The research and development process within Yamaha has ensured that our instruments have evolved to meet the needs of all players. As with all instrument development, the objective was to bring about a change that would add something unique to the range without compromising on the overall sound, whilst maintaining the beauty and design of the instrument.

The Neo and Custom euphoniums already have a great reputation globally however, we wanted to push the limits of design and investigate the addition of a trigger system. Before adding the trigger to the Neo and Custom euphoniums our design team had to consider carefully how this could be achieved.

After multiple sketches and designs a number of different prototypes were developed, each offering different solutions. After vigorous testing with some of the world’s top euphonium players and several discussions within the global research and development team, the trigger system that is now available on Neo and Custom euphoniums was born.

Designed to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing, the Yamaha trigger system gives players even more control of their playing which alleviates some of the stresses associated with having to lip-up or lip-down notes. It also gives players another sound palette to choose from within the euphonium range with the additional weight of the trigger system giving it a very dark and very rich sound, perfect for both band and solo situations.

Ultimately, the decision is yours. The key is to find an instrument that works for you and your sound concept. The Yamaha Neo and Custom ranges offer wide variety of options and it is essential that you try them all to get a good idea of what’s best for you.

The new Neo and Custom euphoniums with trigger will be hitting the stores in early 2018, so make sure you get in touch with your nearest dealer to book your test session.