


  • A debut worth waiting for: The brand new Clavinova CLP-700 series opens up a new world of musical expression, creativity and learning. With two of the finest grand piano sounds in the world and new, innovative playing features these digital pianos are guaranteed to offer hours of playing enjoyment, while making every session something truly special.
    • Highly responsive GrandTouch™ & GrandTouch-S™ keyboards provide greater dynamic range
    • New Yamaha CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial sample
    • New binaural sampling for both CFX & Bösendorfer provides the full ambience of the sound while playing with headphones
    • Equipped with new fortepiano voices
    • Advanced Virtual Resonance Modelling (VRM)
    • Grand Acoustic Imaging technology
    • SmartPianist app compatible with all models

“highest level of musical expression”

1. Vaihe

Kappaleen valinta

Valitse säestettävä kappale ääni- tai musiikkikirjastosta.

2. Vaihe


Lataa kappale Smart Pianist -sovellukseen. ”Audio To Score” analysoi soinnut ja luo välittömästi nuotit, joiden mukaan voit soittaa.

3. Vaihe

Stream Lights -valo

Nyt on aika aloittaa soittaminen! Anna Stream Lights -valon ohjata sinut oikeille koskettimille kappaletta säestäessä.



Featuring the latest GrandTouch™ & GrandTouch-S™ keyboards with a broad dynamic range of touch and response on the level of a grand piano. Excellent consistency and nuanced expression give the pianist the utmost control over touch.


Grand Expression Modeling is a ground-breaking new technology that enables the pianist to use their techniques to produce the limitless tonal variation unique to grand pianos. The ability to vary the intensity and speed of touch to produce different tones adds another dimension to the joy of musical expression.

sound quality

The CLP-700 series faithfully reproduces the dynamic range and diverse tone variation of the CFX and the Bösendorfer Imperial. New binaural sampling provides the full ambience of the sound and eliminates stress while playing with headphones. Virtual Resonance Modeling (VRM) intricately simulates the full sympathetic sounds created by the overlapping resonance of the strings and body of a grand piano. The exquisite piano sound makes every song sound great.

and many more new features with clp-700 series

Compatible with SmartPianist App

Use of the SmartPianist app is available for general use. It can be connected via cable, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth®.

New control panel with touch sensors

On models CLP-775 to CLP-795GP all sounds and functions can now be elegantly selected via touch sensors below the LCD screen.

Bluetooth® Audio + MIDI

The CLP-745 to CLP-795GP can be wirelessly controlled as an external audio speaker system via the Bluetooth® interface.

New rhythms with bass track

All models offer 20 rhythms. These have each been extended to include a bass track, so it is now possible to make music as in a trio.

Loudspeaker system

The models CLP-745 and CLP-775 are fitted with a powerful speaker system. The two top models CLP-785 and CLP-795GP also feature Spruce Cone speakers.

New Design

The uniform silhouette of the front end of all models from the CLP-735 to the CLP-795GP is a common feature of the entire CLP series.

„Endless opportunities for learning, creative musical expression and simple fun.“


Explore the Yamaha clp-700 Series


The flagship grand piano style model of the Clavinova CLP Series, featuring a counterweighted GrandTouch™ keyboard, and the finest sound system in the series.


The flagship upright piano style model of the Clavinova CLP Series, featuring a counterweighted GrandTouch™ keyboard and the finest sound system in the series.


The GrandTouch™ keyboard, finely-tuned 3-way speakers and transducers bring you the touch and feel of a real grand piano.


Enjoy the luxurious appearance of a grand piano cabinet with a polished finish, as well as grand piano touch and tone.


Powerful 2-way speakers and a superb GrandTouch-S™ keyboard with wooden keys offer unprecedented performance capability to pianists of all abilities.


CFX ve Bösendorfer Imperial konser piyanolarının yeni örneklenmiş sesleri ayrıca bu iki dünyaca ünlü piyanonun stereofonik seslerini içerir.


Everything you could want in your first piano. Grand Expression Modeling delivers expressive capabilities approaching those of a grand piano, along with the voices of two of the world's finest grands: the Yamaha CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial.


Yamaha Clavinova CLP-700 Series - Videos











Enemmän kuin pelkkä lupaus. Rekisteröi Clavinova Premium -digitaalipiano kuuden kuukauden kuluessa ostopäivästä, niin saat ilmaisen viiden vuoden laajennetun takuun.


Clavinova Space -sovelluksella voit heijastaa erittäin todenmukaisen 3D-pianon kaikenlaisiin huoneisiin. Sovelluksen lisätty todellisuus tarjoaa todenmukaisen katsauksen siihen, miten Clavinova CLP-785-, CLP-795GP- ja CVP-800 -sarjan digitaalipiano voidaan integroida kotiisi parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla.


Smart Pianist -sovellus on täydellinen kumppani, josta voit valita ja säätää monenlaisia pianon ja akustiikan toimintoja, kuten ääntä ja viritystä. Smart Pianist myös analysoi kappaleita älylaitteesi musiikkikirjastosta, jotta voit soittaa suosikkikappaleidesi tahdissa.


Suosittu Flowkey-sovellus on jännittävä ja intuitiivinen tapa oppia soittamaan pianoa ja kehittää soittotaitoja. Se sisältää laajan valikoiman vuorovaikutteisia kappaleita, tutoriaaleja ja kursseja. Valitse kappale ja soita. Saat välittömästi palautetta soittamisen ja harjoittelun tueksi.


Yamahalle tärkeintä on laatu, luotettavuus ja sujuva asiakaspalvelu. Nauti kätevästä palvelusta ja anna huolella valikoitujen yhteistyökumppaneidemme toimittaa ja asentaa uusi Yamaha Clavinova -digitaalipianosi.