ProVisionaire Design

Integroitu suunnitteluohjelmisto erilaisille Yamaha-äänilaitteille

ProVisionaire Design on Windows-käyttöjärjestelmiin tarkoitettu ohjelmistosovellus, joka mahdollistaa yhteensopivia Yamaha-tuotteita käyttävien äänentoistojärjestelmien kattavan ja intuitiivisen suunnittelun. Se on yhteensopiva monenlaisten Yamaha-tuotteiden kanssa, kuten DME7/MRX7-D*/MTX-prosessoreiden, XMV/PC-D-vahvistimien, Rio/Tio-liitäntöjen, VXL-P-kaiuttimien, ADECIA-ratkaisujen ja muidenkin kanssa.

ProVisionaire Design helpottaa äänentoistojärjestelmän suunnittelua ja asennusta mahdollistamalla komponenttien joustavan sijoittelun, signaalien reitityksen ja parametrien muokkauksen avoimen arkkitehtuurin prosessoreissa, kuten DME7:ssä ja MRX7-D:ssä. Se tarjoaa myös kattavan yleiskatsauksen MTX-sarjan kiinteän arkkitehtuurin prosessoreiden komponenteista ja signaalien reitityksestä. Oppaassa tuetaan laajaa valikoimaa korkealaatuisia äänikomponentteja, joita vain ammattimaisen äänentoiston alalla johtava yritys voi tarjota, mukaan lukien REV-X hienostuneeseen kaikuun ja Dugan Auto Mixer virheettömään automaattiseen miksaukseen. Se tukee myös logiikkakomponentteja, joita voidaan käyttää ohjaussekvenssien luomiseen. ProVisionaire Designia voidaan käyttää yhdessä ProVisionaire Control -tietokonesovellusten kanssa, jolloin minkä tahansa projektin kokonaisvaltainen hallinta on mahdollista aina järjestelmän suunnittelusta ja käyttöönotosta jokapäiväiseen käyttöön ja hallintaan asti. Editorin widgetit voidaan raahata ja pudottaa ProVisionaire Controliin, jolloin parametrit voidaan helposti määrittää myös ProVisionaire Control KIOSK- ja ProVisionaire Touch KIOSK -sovelluksiin.

*MRX7-D-tuki on tarkoitus saada syksyllä 2023.

Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Integrated design software for variety of Yamaha audio equipment

Devices that Support Design

*There are models that are not available in some regions.

Flexible System Design

Flexible Presets

Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Flexible Presets

Presets can be created for linked/grouped devices in addition to individual devices, providing broader flexibility when setting up presets for different applications.

Device Grouping Enhances Setup and Operation Efficiency

Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Device Grouping Enhances Setup and Operation Efficiency

Devices can be assigned to groups, allowing various types of control to be applied to the group as a whole. For example, preset recall, overall mute, synchronization, and more can be assigned to entire groups for efficient operation and management.

Fine Tuning and Efficient Workflow

Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Fine Tuning and Efficient Workflow

ProVisionaire Design is a powerful tool for sound engineers and systems integrators. Not only does it allow detailed control of a comprehensive range of amplifier and speaker parameters, but individual channels can be linked/grouped as required, and related EQ, delay, and other parameters can be linked as well. All of this can contribute to efficient design and setup of finely tuned systems.

Flexible Audio/Control configuration

Audio configuration

ProVisionaire Design supports high-performance audio and live performance system design for a large number of audio components. In systems based around the DME7 or MRX7-D, it allows the device’s components to be freely and flexibly laid out, and internal parameters to be easily adjusted to achieve the required sonic results. Available components range from basic essentials such as Combiner, Delay, Dynamics, Effect, EQ, Filter, Meter, Matrix Mixer, Router, Source Selector, and Speaker Processor to more high-level functions such as Comp260, DCA, Dugan Automixer, REV-X and more.

  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Dugan Automixer

Dugan Automixer

  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Delay Matrix

Delay Matrix

  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Room Combiner

Room Combiner

  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: AEC


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Ducker


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: EQ


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Rev-X


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Comp260


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: DCA


Control configuration (DME7)

By using control components, you can recall parameters in sequence based on simple logic principles governed by statements such as AND, OR, COMPARE. It can be used to describe a wide range of complex relationships in a process by wiring control component and audio component. The logic function enables more complex control designs that go beyond just GPI control, allowing us to meet the detailed requirements of our users.

  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Button


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Fader


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Logic


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Compare


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Max/Min


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Delay


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Router


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: GPI In


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: GPI Out



Offline Simulation (supports DME7)

Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Offline Simulation (supports DME7)

- Audio routing for logic control setups created offline can be checked and tested without the need to actually have any devices connected.

Probe Monitoring (supports DME7)

Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Probe Monitoring (supports DME7)

- Two probe monitoring points can be defined.

- The signals from the two probe monitor points can be assigned to different output channels and monitored independently.

- Advanced applications of two probe monitor points to check the correlation between the processor input signal and direct microphone signal.


Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: Synchronization

- After offline checks have been carried out using the Offline Simulation and Probe Monitoring functions described above, all that remains to be done to complete the setup is to load the data into the device, significantly reducing setup time.

- The entire system can be placed online at once, or devices can be placed online individually and tested one at a time.

Controller UI Design

An Intuitive Approach to Flexible Controller Design

Microphone faders, ON/OFF switches, and other widgets can be freely placed and arranged on the design page by dragging and dropping from ProVisionaire Design. This provides an easy, intuitive way to create original controllers that are ideally configured for the target installation. Multiple design pages are available so that different control panels can be provided for different audio zones and/or users, with presets and parameter settings optimized for each.

Yamaha ProVisionaire Design: An Intuitive Approach to Flexible Controller Design

ProVisionaire Design

Järjestelmäsuunnitteluohjelmisto Yamaha PA-järjestelmille

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